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Girls Locker Room


The Story


" want to start a podcast?"

Truth be told, we don't have some cliche or extravagant story about birthing the podcast. We are bestfriends who talk on the phone just about everyday for hours. Topics can jump from relationships. to church, to dreams, goals, hot gossip, the latest news, fashion, & everything in between. Being young entrepreneurs, we've been wanting to do something together for some time now. One day one of us asked the question " want to start a podcast?"  And here we are. 



Starting a podcast is something different for us. But as much as we talk & go back & forth about life, love, & fashion, you know typical locker room discussions... I'm sure we'll keep you entertained. So grab your friends & the homies and tune in to our Locker Room talk!

The Girls Locker Room


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The Latest Locker Room Scoop...

Copy of Thats my type.PNG

Episode 2: That's My Type we finally got Episode 2 recorded. Sorry for the wait. Sometimes life just gets in the way right? Andddd we recorded a whole episode and it didn't save. Talk about upset!! But WE ARE BACK! This podcast journey is still new to us and we are still finding or wave but we have so much in store. Thank you to all of our listeners for the first episode, the love and feedback was everything. Tune in to some locker room talk on episode 2 dropping this Wednesday 4/29/2020. We'll be talking about what our "type" is and discussing our point of view on if physical appearance matters when dating/in a relationship. And of course Cherry always has something random and off the wall to say lol Subscribe and rate to the show. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated and follow us on our social media pages. And feel free to send us a message any time, we would love to hear from you. #TheGirlsLockerRoomPodcast

The Girls Locker Room

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